Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It is my day off and it snowed. I'm totally bummed out. I left my phone charger at work last night. When I got home I realized it was missing. I had to drive over to kaylyn's to call work to make sure it was there and not laying in a parking lot. I feel like a have a ton of things to do today, really I am being lazy about the small things.
To do list:
Finish washing my sheets
Go to the gym
Drive to work sweaty and pick up phone charger
Cont. to try and be approved for a loan from the bank for a new car
Clean my room

Really this is what I have to worry about today and I just can't seem to get going. Oh and I applied to go back to school today. I'm going to take one of those trade school trainings to become a medical assistant. Doing hair just isn't cuttin it. I have been looking to buy a house and in order to be approved I need to be making like $200 a week more. So I'm off to school... again! Two very different professions but hey maybe the doctors will like stilettos?

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